الأربعاء، 21 سبتمبر 2016

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (90) - حب لأخيك ما تُحب لنفسك. :)

So this took place first day of Eid Adha - exactly Monday September 12, 2016. My very old friend Haidy El Medany decided to teach me a lifetime lesson of what is the real meaning of 'حب لأخيك ما تُحب لنفسك.' 

I liked few handmade bracelets she was wearing. So I spontaneously asked her where she got them from. Instead of answering me, I found her giving me two of the ones she was wearing. Even better, she didn't even think twice. It was not an act of kindness or a courtesy invitation to take them. It was a genuine gift. And although they may look simple, they still mean to me way more than that, and I am grateful for that. :)

Well, every time I meet an old friend from the masjed group, I end up learning a new sincere lesson. هُن مثال لرِفعة الأخلاق.  They will always and forever remain the ones that I will cherish the most. For it was for them, after Allah, I am who I am today. I grew up with them, and I hope I don't lose connection cause otherwise I may fall apart. جُزيتن خيراً كثيراً ودام الله نعمة معرفتكُن ووجودكُن في حياة الكثيرين وزادكُن من فضله ورحمته. الحمدُ لله. :)

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