الخميس، 8 يناير 2015

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (23) -People change and forget to tell each other.

I saw a friend couple of days ago. It has been a while. We forget each others’ names. But it did not matter because deep inside the feeling still remained the same! A friend is always a friend, right? Well, not exactly! It is only when you reach a crisis point in your life that you find out just who your true friends are, when you reach out for support during your darkest days and find that they are still there to support you. 

It is interesting to think about how we make people who used to be everything into nothing again. How we learn to forget. How we force forgetting. Grief is a faster teacher than joy – but what does it mean when you cycle out to being strangers again? You never really stop knowing each other in that way. Maybe there is no choice but to make them someone different in your mind, not the person who knew your anxieties, what made you cry and how much you cherished their existence in your life.

You may believe that you have wide circle of friends, but when times comes that the socializing has to come to an end and instead of sending out outing invitations you are issuing requests of help and support, just see how many answer the call. By the end of the process you should consider yourself lucky if you can count the friends that are left on one hand and truly blessed if you need both hands to count them.

When our lives revolve around someone or group of friends, they do not just stop doing so even if all that is left is some semblance of their memory. There are always those bits of good and very bitter memories that remain. Where were those friends when you needed them?! Why did they turn their backs on you?!! Why now?!! How could they leave you alone trying to gather yourself?! We all eventually find ourselves standing in the checkout line, stumbling on one of the things we used to do together, the moments they turned their back on us and realizing that we are revolving around them again. And maybe we never stopped!

Maybe it is just that we are all at the centers of our own little universes, and sometimes they overlap with other people’s just at the wrong times, and that small bit of intersection leaves some part of it changed. The collision can wreck us, change us and shift us. Sometimes we merge into one, and other times we rescind because the comfort of losing what we thought we knew wins out.

Either way, it is inevitable that you grow. That you are left knowing that much more about friendship and what it can do. Whether or not that emptiness will ever again include that friend who made it that way … I do not know. Whether or not anybody else can match the outline of such friend ... I do not know that either.

We all start as strangers. The choices we make in terms of friendship are usually ones that seem inevitable anyway. We find similar souls made of the same stuff ours are. We find classmates and partners and neighbors and family friends and cousins and sisters and our lives intersect in a way that makes them feel like they could not have ever been separate. But, we are all just waiting for another universe to collide with ours, to change what we cannot ourselves. 

We all start as strangers, but we forget that we rarely choose who ends up a stranger too.
Source: Thought Catalog

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