السبت، 12 مارس 2016

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (76) - The gang.

It was one of my best friends' big day. :) It is funny that I woke up few days back, and all I can remember is the last episode of HIMYM. The gang. :)

Few will understand what I mean. Distances can either drive friends apart or grow their friendship even stronger. It comforts me to know we don't have to be close anymore, but we'll always be friends. It may never gonna be how it was. Yes, it can’t be, and that doesn’t have to be a sad thing. While there is part of our lives where we had to hang out and meet frequently is over. There’s so much wonderful stuff happening in all of our lives right now. More than enough to be grateful for, as my best friend's big day few days back. :)

Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof. Those who understand us, and be there for us in better or worse are few. This is why we can’t fall out of each other’s lives. I have been lucky enough to find her there for me at my very worst times. And the very least I can do is that I promised myself and vowed that no matter what, I will always be there for her to share those big and special moments together as that day. :)

بارك الله لكُما وجمع بينكُما في خير .. الطيبون للطيبات والله .. ربنا يحفظهُم و يُبارك لهم و يُسعدهم و يُتم عليهم نعمته .. يا رب يجعلهم سكن و قُرك أعين بعض ويبتدوا حياة جديدة أوسم جداً .. بس لغاية أما أكتب عنهم تاني برحمة المولي، مش هوصي كُُل اللي يقرأ البوست دة يدعي ليهم بالرحمة والمغفرة والبركة وإنهم يفضلوا حلوين و awesome. :)

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