I usually use Careem in other regions, but this time was different. I took a drive days ago through Careem Egypt, and I am nothing but impressed elhamdulillah. The driver was a young undergrad. in his early 20s called
Bassel. He drove brilliantly good although Egypt's streets are always crowded.
He did not even use the car horn once although my drive was a quite long. He
did not even swear or speak a word during the whole time. And what makes it
even more fascinating, he is still an undergrad student studying business, and
an #aisec member. Yesssss, he is in student activities. :D I had to take a
picture of the his membership card hanging out in the car. The world must know
that although Egypt has the worst society norms and attitudes, there are
always impressive exceptions. Those ones who never care about the society
stigma and social standards, and have the guts to break the stereotypical
images such as successful working ladies or working undergrads. I know how hard
can get, and how difficult that he has to face it all on his own. Bassel's parents must be
proud of him (or I guess so). He must be proud of himself! :)
Thank you Careem for helping young people be themselves in a
society where it is hard to stand right although against the norms. :)
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