Clinton seems to be preparing to run for president and the former HP CEO may
enter the race on the Republican side. Whoever wins the White House in 2016,
today it seems easily possible that within the next decade, the U.S. will
follow Britain, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, India, Israel, Thailand, Norway and
dozens of other countries in electing a woman to our most powerful office. It
is not just politics; Pepsi, Yahoo, HP, CCTV, Harvard University are all headed by
women. Can we predict the consequences? Yes, we can—and the news is good.
As women come to hold more power and public authority, will they become just
like men? I don’t think so. Women won’t make a perfect world, but it will be
less flawed than the one that men have made and ruled these thousands of years. :)
Still after
all these decades, the stereotypical image associated with successful women in
the Middle East remains tough and un-shiny. It will probably continue to be a
controversy in our society for the coming years, but I am determined to break
it. I want my grandson, I think, to be happy in the new world. It will be
better for him because women will contribute so much more to running it! :)
There are many people out there who will think I am crazy for saying that
aspiring to be successful is a woman’s right and does not conflict with having
a balanced healthy life in all other aspects. I am thankful that the women that
I got to know are different. Through them I have been able to see a different
side of being an Arab woman raised in the Middle East. :)
هتنازل و لا هعمل compromises علي أحلامي الصغيرة علشان غيري شايفها
وردية زيادة عن اللزوم أو مش واقعية .. عندي يقين إنها إن شاء الله هتحقق في وقتها
.. مفيش حاجة تمنع ان احنا شخصياً نبقي الـ exception .. و هقع و هأُحبط بدل المرة مليون مرة
و من أقرب الناس ليّ، بس أحلامي الصغيرة بإذن الرحمن هتبقي .. عُمر الحلم و لا
السَعي ليه ما عَاب صَاحبه .. ما دام لسة بسعي و بجتهد و بحاول و بجرب و مش واقفة
في مكاني علشان أحققها بفضل الله ..فحين لا يعمل الإنسان منّا علي هدف واضح
له و يسعي إلي تحقيقه والزمن يمر، يتساوى عنده الليل والنهار، والصباح والمساء،
والساعات والدقائق، وهنا يُلح عليه السؤال: لماذا أعيش؟! :/
رب إرزقني إني أحقق أحلامي الصغيرة يوماً ما بإذنك و إغنني بفضلك عن من سواك. يا
رب إرزقنا الثبات و الستر و اليُسر و الإخلاص و الاحسان و رؤية الحق حقاً و اتباعه
و أخرجنا مِن ظُلمات الوهم. :)
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