الثلاثاء، 17 أكتوبر 2017

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (103) - Feeling down (2).

And in a glimpse of an eye, you get to feel how easily your life can easily collapse. الدوام لله وحده. A scary thought, a scarier feeling, and even much worse when you know you are all on your own. And you experience how can everyone give up on you but الله سبحانه وتعالي. And since then you learnt to be quite selfish, cause you now know that no one gives a shit about you but you .. :')

#lessonslearntthehardway #تخاريف #خليك_اناني_محدش_باقيلك #supportneeded

الاثنين، 7 أغسطس 2017

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (102) - Dare to Share.

I just came across the engagement news of the infamous fashion blogger and producer "Hadia Ghaleb." The amount of social media attention in her post about her fiancee and before that her trending hashtag #whatishappeninghadia , is hysterical. How come we allowed someone as her become the teenage gals role model? 

What is wrong with our society, and since when social media has become such an integral part of our lives to an extent we would lose our faith and confidence because we don't have or look the same as those people we see in the pictures? Why would everyone suddenly feel compelled or rather obsessed with sharing every single personal news or picture or update of theirs? I am not sure if I am the only one who noticed the fast growing number of friends who are dying to prove to each other that their lives are awesome and perfect with no flaws? or the ones who are trying to reassure themselves that they are being loved and liked by posting even more pictures and personal updates? It feels like social media is more of a tool to regain confidence in our selves and our lives, than being a tool of connecting people to each other. 

What happened to personal space, privacy, the beauty of sharing secrets only with your best friend, the beauty of surprise parties, or even the closeness and warmth of family and sharing each other's news in family gatherings and dish parties? What is the beauty of sharing everything about you with everyone? I am just curious cause for a moment I felt like commenting to a friend "I swear I don't care. I don't need to know nor I want to. Keep your news special to your closed ones who deserve to know." I feel like my news feed is bombarded with none sense, and my personal space is being ripped off. I'd rather hide almost everyone from appearing on my home page, or otherwise deactivate this damn Facebook and Instagram thing for good. This is becoming insane! 😐

الثلاثاء، 13 يونيو 2017

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (101) - Feeling down (1).

With the few unfortunate events happening to me lately, would anyone care to share some positive news before I become depressed, whether political, social, personal, cultural, ... ANYTHING?!! Even the media, series, news, stories of friends around, and people amongst us are all quite negative, unfair or completely passive lately. It makes me angry. And just when I am about to recover from my feelings of anxiety, I read another depressing story that makes me collapse and turn into a sadder person who would freak out even more. That peace inside is never meant to last; isn't it? I feel like the world is becoming a very sad place to live in - never as I expected it to be like. It never fails to let me down. Growing old sucks big time! :/

#تخاريف #SupportNeeded

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (100) - For the love of coffee.

So, it happens that my 100th post on my blog would be about the drink I love the most; coffee.  Karma is a b**** indeed!!

The story begins that this Ramadan, I have been trying to cut my coffee intake. The withdrawal symptoms are shitty as hell. I decided to practice some self-control and decided to cut coffee completely for the month. It's only now that I understand how much it really does affect my mood and my day in general! I miss my morning cup of coffee so bad. It not about the caffeine at all. It was the only part of my day when I can take few moments just for myself and feel good about the world. The only time I feel I can pamper myself without having to wait for someone to take me for a good treat. I ain't need no body - coffee will take care of it all. :) Each day of the past week or two, passed so slowly to the extent I lost interest in almost everything and everyone around me. I could barely recognize who I am. The one who has always been an inquisitive, energetic and positive reader is now the laziest coach potato the world could have ever known. I sleep like crazy, my head was about to explode more than once from the headache, my concentration level was zero by the end of the working day, and I avoided to take pills for my headache almost most of the days as I hate medications. My morning cup of coffee was one of those little things that could still light up the darkest moments of my day. It just had the power to lift me up so I can get my shit together, forget I can be a coach potato and get through another bad day with a big fat fake smile on my face. :) 

The thing is, my sister still cares, loves me and knows me too well more than anyone else around me - even after being hitched. And when I asked her today on her way out, she didn't hesitate a second to buy me the best cup of coffee I had since long time ago. And not just that, she got me my favorite large cafe mocha from Starbucks and also a decaf one so I don't ruin my efforts to cut down my coffee intake. YES, THOSE SMALL GESTURES MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE. It is lovely to know someone outside cares and knows those little things that just makes you happy. Isn't she the sweetest person you could ever know? :)
#coffee #ramadan #coffeenight #insomnia #تخاريف #lifewithoutcoffeehasnomeaning#thankyouraghda #fortheloveofcoffee#26goingon70

الاثنين، 20 مارس 2017

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (99) - سوبر هيروز إيجيشان ستايل.

We are superheroes wallah!!  -_-

Nowadays, having a Facebook or Twitter account is quite stressful; being an Egyptian is beyond difficult; and living in Egypt is a tough test. Now having the trilogy of (i) being an Egyptian, (ii) who lives in Egypt and (iii) still manage to have a FB or Twitter account, is the most catastrophic ordeal an ordinary person can go through. It is jihad nafs in itself - a superpower. May Allah help us, Amen!

This is becoming too much. It feels like people can only breath on social media. How desperate?!

I can't take this. I get stressed and even depressed easily. Actions talk louder than words, and we literally do none. We watch in silence everything being screwed up, yet smile, clap and move on. Many still believe there is hope. Well I am not sure where they get it from, while we live among a majority that still think injustice is okay.

I did this before but relapsed. I'll start to unfollow or hide everyone talking Egyptian politics, maybe I can turn sane or otherwise shallow again.
#تخاريف #تقوقع

الأحد، 29 يناير 2017

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (98) - الشدائد كاشِفة.

فلطالما كانت الشدائد كاشِفة عن معادن الناس دوماً، تبين حقيقتها، وتظهر كامن صفاتها، فقد تعرف انساناً لسنوات أو لفترات طويلة جداً، ولا تتضح لك منه صفاته، فإذا مرت الشدائد ظهرت صفاته، وتجلي معدنه وأصله، ووضحت تفاصيله، وبانت علاماته منها كوضوح الشمس خلال النهار. وكما أن الشدائد كاشِفة لمقدار الخير في الدين وصلابته وثباته، فإنها أيضاً كاشِفة في أمور الدُنيا، فالشِدة تُظهِر الصديق الحَق دوناً عن غيره، وتُبين فضيلة المرء. فهنيئًا لمن كان مُحاطاً بأصحاب المعادن الثمينة والقلوب الثابتة المُؤمنة المتعلقة بالله. 

الثلاثاء، 10 يناير 2017

Eva Mendes and the media

I just came across a piece of news regarding Eva Mendes supporting her husband Ryan Gosling with his movie Lala Land, and the way she is being portrayed by the media just frustrates the hell out of me. Its a crazy racist world. I mean if you choose to work and not have kids, you are not a good woman. If you choose to just have kids, you are not a good woman. If you chose to do both -have kids and work- you are so not a good woman. I guess being a woman means to be critized no matter what and by no matter who and according to all kind of standards. It is not only in the middle east. It is everywhere. WTF world!! :/

Did they even bother to call Eva Mendes and ask her if she found herself forced to stay at home by him? or the society or they just assumed that if a woman decides to stay at home, then she's stupid, oppressed and forced by society to do so? Do you really want women to have their own choice when it comes to life decisions, or do you want them all to fit in what this picture you have in your mind?
I mean instead of treating Eva Mendes like a grownup sane human being that is capable of making her own decisions, the media jumped to the conclusion that she's oppressed and was forced by her "Man" to make this "shitty" job of taking care of her kid.

If a woman decides to stay at home, this doesn't make her in anyway less than a woman who decided to focus on her career. Stop putting people into boxes and prejudging them. Stop treating women like stupid human beings who are being moved around against their will, because they're way much stronger and resilient than that. -_-