الأحد، 16 أكتوبر 2016

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (91) - Disconnecting to connect. :)

What are friends if they don't ask or check?! I am going through a phase of having to again question many friendships lately including how good I am as a friend .. Quite alarming!

I keep checking my account frequently each day. I think I am connecting with friends. Guess what, I am not. Social networks makes us think we are connecting with people, but do we actually connect on the personal level? I don't think so. Besides, it keeps being a source of distraction than a source of connection.

As a step, I deleted both Facebook and Instagram apps from my mobile. I neither deleted the messenger nor I deactivated my accounts since I am being an admin on few groups/pages. But I blocked them on my computer. I am still reachable on mobile, messenger and whats app. I have tried it before, and I failed. الله المستعان. Lets see how long I can survive this round inchaálllah. Lol!

I am gradually losing close friends that I care about because I fail miserably in keeping in touch. Many ones failed me too though. We think we are connecting but we are not. Friendships, the same as everything in life, were much simpler, stronger and sincere before social networks. :( Life goes on, yes. But someone have to take a step if they want a change. I need to stop checking my phone to see who still remembers me and tagged me in a post. I need to actually remember people rather than getting worried about being simply remembered. What did I do to deserve it? I need to realize how disconnected I became even from my closest friends, so I actually put more time and effort to connect back with them. I miss my friends. And it hurts more knowing how we allow age, distance and social media to kill good friendships thinking 'it's just how life is,' because it is not!!! :)

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