الأربعاء، 21 سبتمبر 2016

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (90) - حب لأخيك ما تُحب لنفسك. :)

So this took place first day of Eid Adha - exactly Monday September 12, 2016. My very old friend Haidy El Medany decided to teach me a lifetime lesson of what is the real meaning of 'حب لأخيك ما تُحب لنفسك.' 

I liked few handmade bracelets she was wearing. So I spontaneously asked her where she got them from. Instead of answering me, I found her giving me two of the ones she was wearing. Even better, she didn't even think twice. It was not an act of kindness or a courtesy invitation to take them. It was a genuine gift. And although they may look simple, they still mean to me way more than that, and I am grateful for that. :)

Well, every time I meet an old friend from the masjed group, I end up learning a new sincere lesson. هُن مثال لرِفعة الأخلاق.  They will always and forever remain the ones that I will cherish the most. For it was for them, after Allah, I am who I am today. I grew up with them, and I hope I don't lose connection cause otherwise I may fall apart. جُزيتن خيراً كثيراً ودام الله نعمة معرفتكُن ووجودكُن في حياة الكثيرين وزادكُن من فضله ورحمته. الحمدُ لله. :)

الاثنين، 19 سبتمبر 2016

تَخاريف نُص مِيتر عَقلُه طَار (89) - Letter to my Sister- In the memory of the Harry Potter 8

Dear Sister,

I thought of writing you this because I don’t know any other way to express myself truly except through written words. Probably it feels tangible, and much more organized than how I shout or babble around like a maniac kid.

In the memory of August 10, 2017. I must start saying I love you. I do. I would do anything for you. I wish I am a better elder sister. I wish we had a better sister to sister relationship. I wish I could tell you about my heartbreaks, and hookups, and fears, and dreams. I wish I could let you know how it feels to be who I am, I wish you understand. I know you love me, too. It would have been great to discuss my heart with you. That’s what sisters are supposed to do.

You are my hero. You always see the world as half full, and I thank you for that. I am sorry for breaking your heart although you are always trying to be kind and thoughtful. Every day I feel regret of not being able to give you back. I feel terrible for being who I am around you. I am probably stupid or immature. Thank you for teaching me how it feels to love someone beyond words, and thanks for teaching me how to be kind and compassionate unconditionally properly.

Its not that I don’t care. Of course I care. You are my sister, the one I know I can lean on whenever I am in trouble. The one who can keep my secrets, hide my nonsense from mum since we were kids and yet never complain about how a shitty sister I am. This is the most thoughtful gift I ever had. Not because it’s a Harry Potter book. Well, of course it means a lot. But also coming from you, without a reason nor an occasion, is something that I probably kept crying about since the day you gave it to me. You get almost one or two who get to love you in the unconditional way you do, and I am so lucky to even have you in my life, even luckier that you are more than just someone — you are my sister.

I will remember yesterday forever. Not only the fight and how much I probably cried for letting you down, but that to remember that I am still loved. No matter where I am, there is someone outside whose name is Raghda, loved me and will keep loving me for who I am not for who she thinks or wants me to be. She never judged me, and accepted me without conditions or strings attached.

Some people mistake my silence for ignorance. I think I am the weakest of them all. I was always someone who craved love. This is not to say that I accepted love willingly — quite the opposite, in fact. If someone decided to like or even love me, they would have to pass through a path of obstacles, being pushed pulled and tested at every corner. Only then, upon arrival at the finish line, would they gain my acceptance. I have lost friendships, and now I figured out I may have lost you too. I am sorry for what happened, and I am sorry for letting you down. I really am.

I am afraid that I’ll wake up one morning and I won’t get to see you around. Who would tease me or make me cry then? Don’t think that I don’t care. I always care. I just don’t know how to show it. I just think that I have taken the easy way out. I have been blocking people out of my life so I won’t be hurt in the way mum hurt me too. I hope I change one day. I really do. Unless I can love myself, I may never be able to allow others to love me the way you do.

I recently read this article about how does a daughter forgive her mother for not protecting her. It is interesting how I could relate to some of its details. It does not have to be the mother we are talking about. It could be anyone including those very close ones you once trusted but failed to be there when you needed them the most. The article gave me hope. Forgiving someone for not being there is hard. I never knew how and when I could move on and forgive others and myself until I decided a time ago to do so. I'd be lying if I said I moved on, but at least I am trying. As they always say: “Believe you can and you are halfway there.” :)

How can I be angry with many close ones? A question I failed to answer precisely until now. You all argue that they did not do me any harm. I must admit, you are right, but still they were not there either. They were the circle of trust. They were supposed to love, embrace and protect me back then. Maybe inaction doesn't have to be motivated by malice, but sometimes by someone's own paralyzing fear -- their survival instinct. The more I am angry with people, the more I realize I have a lot to change about myself.

It really is true: “Freedom is what we do with what’s been done to us.” It is not the circumstances of our lives that matter. It is what we choose to do with them. Yes, some journeys take you farther from where you come from, but closer to where you belong. I know that I need to get my priorities straight. But I hope you know that I love you. Forgive me! I am sorry that I failed you, and kept failing you. But I promise I will never let you down from now on. 


The Family's Gryffindor Potterhead